Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dublin :: Somehow, it's like cheating on Cork :: HCWH

I'd the good fortune to be at the Hard Working Class Heroes festival last weekend. The bands were great, as was the atmosphere (other than the swing to "Wet" the atmosphere took on the last day). One of the really good bits about the festival was the provision of Andrew's Lane for the after-club. The theatre (or club or whatnot) has been done inside and outside by the Dublin artist Maser. It looks great, and even as a club it seemed worth the visit. The plaque outside the door:

The alley around the corner had plenty of stuff. I really like this one. (there's other stuf that I should certainly get & up)

   This guy (girl?) is class. I spotted one of his other ones near the old Mongrel offices a few years ago and foolishly thought it was a one-off curio: ooooh no
   This stuff is all over the city centre (by which, the tourist means Temple Bar). My friend over in the 508 initially pointed out the corners and drain pipes these covered: each is a bit of a gem. This is in no way a catalogue of the ones we saw: there were scores of them. 

Though this pic is largely for the small stickers, I love opportunities such as these for people to truly cover a space in all sorts of crap.

That road towards the Tourist Info office.

A great linguist once said...

Mr. F. O' Eight directed me to this door to see another piece by Maser, but it had been replaced by this other piece. Maser again? Perhaps... Really good piece though.

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