Im going to call her Notebook Girl.
I don't know her gender, nor do I know it's a notebook. Something makes me think it's a girl though, and they ain't got no signature so... So she deserves an erroneous nickname.
I really, really like this stuff. I'll buy her a pint and apologise for assuming her gender. For assuming there's only one of her. I might even check her out, and steal her sketchbook off to the bathroom.
I know that I've lauded plenty of stuff in three posts, but if you don't like what she's done, then you're not waking up properly in the morning. If you draw or write or some such, you know how personal it'd be to wheatpaste prints of your stuff around town. I'd never do it because it would scare the carp out of me, but...
Although I suppose it's not so hard if your stuff is Good...
Photos were sent to me via my Co-Conspirator, Deltasomethingorother..
Photos all over the Cork Centre.

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