Once again, piles of pieces, all from Cork. 
I really hope this is still there; it's as old as the hills, but I think they destroyed it along with that lovely alley of Paul St.. KONG was the first name i really saw on Cork's streets (or
remember seeing, which is more important). Either way, I haven't seen anything new from him/her in a while. Which is a real pity. (S)He had style, tact, and taste.

Hurh hurh hurh... Back when Transformers was still a
relatively sacred relic.

Yon obligatory Vibe pieces! This guy gets a whole granny-basket of points purely for getting up so very much; he's all over the place. Not to mention his stuff is well good. I'm not very into tags, but Vibe puts the effort into being much more original than your average marker-armed whelp...
White ninja? Guy with glasses and well tended-uni-brow? Some sort of.. granny?..
Off Barrack St.

The barely-legible scrawls beneath this guy say "Thats Brilliant" and "Agreed". And its true! Strangely though, this stencil is underground in the UCC Kane bathrooms.

More... Vibe?

JF had a nice sponge-bob on Oliver Plunket St, but it was taken down (
twice) before i could give birth to a digital camera.
This guy is one to watch, and not just because these are really good..
JF. I'm watching you JF. There can only be so many "JF"s in the phone book and voter's registry...

Barrack St.

Barrack St. I love things like this. Understated and slightly out of view. Using Stuff lying (growing) around.

RF23 is another anonymous face you see around a lot, but not enough. He had lots of vinyl stickers (lucky bastard), and was generally Class. Either funny, or the tasty side of poignant, or just cool. Crane Lane (the actual lane, not the club on the adjacent street).

Once "saw" a scrawl that said "I love hopeful street art"

South Mall

Oh you Knid, you are vile and vermicious. For some reason i always imagined they looked something like this. Note writing under eye.

These guys are all localised on a sheet of plyboard on N. Main St.: There's loads of them! By volume and qulity, there's something else behind it, but... Who knows. (*hint*)

You heard it here first. Or in the UCC jacks where it was.
the 508 is reborn.

This guy I really like.. Little lumps of clay stuck to the wall, carved, then varnished. Really, really cool. And they even have that most valuable of modern traits: randomness. In spades. I saw one that i
think was about having tea, and another about.. I have no idea. Really really like it though.

We let ourselves down be not ruining those shitty
Elysian boards, which surrounded the building site. They were screaming out for defacement, and only a brave few went forward. This piece is cool because it replaces the identical slogan for the Elysian.

Pretty certain this is religious, less certain that its a trail.. This was in Cobh, and I saw more going up to Cork. Circa Easter I think?
Ugh. It has become properly bright out.
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